
  • Catalogue No.: IM034095
  • CAS No.:
  • Mol. Formula: C₂₁¹³C₃H₂₇O₆P


Catalogue Number IM034095
Alternate CAS No. 796874-60-7
Chemical Name 1-(Benzyloxy)-3-[[bis(benzyloxy)phosphoryl]oxy]propan-2-ol-13C3
Molecular Formula C₂₁¹³C₃H₂₇O₆P
Molecular Weight 445.42
Applications 1-(Benzyloxy)-3-[[bis(benzyloxy)phosphoryl]oxy]propan-2-ol-13C3 is an intermediate used in the synthesis of (D450537), which is a carbon-13 labelled Dihydroxyacetone phosphate [57-04-5] and involved in a wide variety of metabolic pathways including glycolysis and lipid biosynthesis. In plants, Dihydroxyacetone phosphate is involved with the synthesis of vitamin B6.
Category Building Blocks; Isotopic Labeled Analogues; Miscellaneous;

Note: All Products are stable to be shipped at room temperature, unless otherwise specified.


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