
  • Catalogue No.: IM034256
  • CAS No.: 18295-25-5
  • Mol. Formula: C₅H₁₁Br
SKU: IM034256 카테고리: ,


Catalogue Number IM034256
CAS No. 18295-25-5
Chemical Name 2-Bromo-3-methylbutane
Synonyms 2-​Bromo-​3-​methylbutane;
Molecular Formula C₅H₁₁Br
Molecular Weight 151.04
Applications 2-Bromo-3-methylbutane is a reagent used in the synthesis of various sterols. Also used in the preparation of organic fluorine compounds as insecticides and rodenticides.
Category Building Blocks; Miscellaneous;

Note: All Products are stable to be shipped at room temperature, unless otherwise specified.


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