Controlled Substance

  • Catalogue No.: IM063795
  • CAS No.:
  • Mol. Formula: C₂₂H₂₈N₂O₄


Catalogue Number IM063795
Chemical Name N1-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenethyl)-N6-phenethyladipamide
Molecular Formula C₂₂H₂₈N₂O₄
Molecular Weight 384.47
Appearance White Solid
Solubility Methanol
Applications N1-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenethyl)-N6-phenethyladipamide is an intermediate of Dopexamine (D533900), which is a synthetic dopamine analog and acts as a a b2-adrenergic receptor agonistt as well as an agonist at peripheral dopamine receptors. Dopexamine has been used to improve myocardial and renal performance in patients suffering from low cardiac output states.
Category Standards; Neurochemicals; Pharmaceutical/API Drug Impurities/Metabolites; Phenethylamines/Amphetamines;

Note: All Products are stable to be shipped at room temperature, unless otherwise specified.


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